Adult ADHD Test

Get our quick and simple online
test to know if you have ADHD.

Do You Have ADHD Symptoms?

ADHD is prevalent among people of different age groups, adults included. Some adults may not know if they’re suffering from this condition.

  • Adult ADHD Test

    Panic and restlessness.

  • Adult ADHD Test

    Unable to perform tasks systematically.

  • Adult ADHD Test
    Sudden outburst

    Unexpected anger.

  • Adult ADHD Test

    Persistent habits.

  • Adult ADHD Test
    Impulsive activity

    Thoughtless actions.

  • Adult ADHD Test
    Mood swings

    Constant changes in your mood.

ADD / ADHD Symptoms

Having ADHD can be an overwhelming part of your adult life.

Think you might have ADHD signs and symptoms? Check right now!

Click the link below to take a quick pre-diagnostic evaluation quiz that is designed by health experts:

  • Adult ADHD Test

    To check the possibility and severity of ADHD in adults.

  • Adult ADHD Test

    This quiz is based on the most common signs and symptoms of ADHD fulfilling DSM-V criteria.

  • Adult ADHD Test

    To be able to understand your condition more accurately and to take necessary subsequent actions.

Take our ADHD test today and get treatment to lead a stress-free life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answering your questions regarding our ADHD treatment plan.

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We are committed to customer satisfaction and providing excellent service. We do require prepayment in order to secure an appointment with a medical provider to better utilize available time slots for our patients needing immediate care. Our policy is to refund patients in full if we are unable to provide them with the service they need so that they can always come back to us for other healthcare services in confidence.

You may bring everything you believe may help the doctor better understand your situation.

Unfortunately, our services are not covered by insurance as yet, but please note that we keep our prices as low as possible.

For cash-only patients: suggest to use a gift card/prepaid master, visa, amex and discover cards online, available in local stores. Patients can always pay cash in person at our clinics (Mango and EZCare).

*We don’t accept PayPal for online payments.*

Research studies prove that several internal and external factors are responsible for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The study of the relationship between ADHD and genetics shows genetics and heredity have a role in determining who gets ADHD. Other factors include premature birth, maternal substance abuse, and exposure to environmental toxins.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders identifies three types of ADHD. The symptoms may overlap, but they fall into the following categories:

  1. Primarily hyperactive-impulse type in which the affected person has little impulse control. People with this type of ADHD are impulsive and impatient, acting as if a motor drives them.
  2. Primarily Inattentive ADHD, formerly referred to as ADD, where people experience difficulty following instructions, focusing, or finishing tasks. They quickly become distracted, lose track of conversations, and are forgetful.
  3. Primarily Combined ADHD, where people display a mixture of the above symptoms. Diagnosis of the combined ADHD type must establish six signs from each of the above categories.

Untreated ADHD can lead to significant problems in social situations, education, relationships, employment, and emotional health. It also affects self-esteem as ADHD symptoms tend to make a person impulsive. Consequently, a person may act without fully understanding the consequences of their actions, leading to injuries, hospitalization, or exposure to diseases.

Children with ADHD have frequent behavior problems that can interfere with everyday lives. They have trouble getting along with their friends and siblings at home, school, and other settings. This makes it difficult and frustrating to care for them.

They also tend to exhibit learning disabilities, something that can lower their self-esteem. Children with ADHD and depression face rejection, are highly likely to be delinquent and get involved in substance abuse later in life.

However, with appropriate treatment intervention, children with this condition can lead normal lives.

Several intervention methods exist in the treatment for ADHD. Some effective strategies include:

  • Group or individual psychological therapy that targets cognitive behavior and social skills training
  • Medications like methylphenidate, which should only be prescribed by a specialist after assessment. Children should receive ADHD medication in smaller doses
  • Group-based training and education programs that teach parents and caregivers how to manage behavior
  • Stimulants like Vyvanse, Adderall, and Concerta, which are prescribed to treat ADHD in adults

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